Tadaa~~ presenting my aquaponic!
it took me for a month to finish this and it does look kinda shabby and incomplete but the irrigation system does work.
i have made some adjustment to my previous aquaponic after knowing the flaws of the irrigation system. i was having difficulty understanding the bell siphon on how it work and how it was triggered. After a week of understanding and experimenting what i have come out this.
Sorry about the lousy graph but this is all i can come out with. the orange bar represents the margin where the siphon works, anything above or below, doesn't. the above line the the water inflow required to start a siphon and the below line is the water inflow required to stop the siphon. After fine-tuning, it works, but only for several days. it turns out that the feces caught in the pump and the pipes, dramatically drop the strength of the pump pumping water into the grow-bed, i ended up washing my pipes day to day.
After a while of deep thinking, i have found of a solution to the matter.
i have decided to add two more grow beds on top. One which occupies by the duck weed and the other normal siphon. this result in one( duck weed) which has a constant inflow and outflow of water and the other having a flush system. Thus having this eliminates the fine tuning that previously required.

the system now has become like this. the two grow beds below works perfectly without any fine tuning provided that the grow bed above works which is easily achieve through valving one end of the pipe.
its been months now, and i dont need to clean up my pipes!! But, tragically i still have a problem that i couldnt solve. It turns out that the plants wasnt able to sustain growth to maturity. all of my plants has died half way thru. Reason for it to happen, i have no idea, took me months to figure out, ended up with a fistfull of dissapointment. If u have a solution to the matter that im facing please help me out, cuz im beginning to lose faith.